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This program works with parent(s), guardians, children/step or grandchildren, and extended family members, and can offer support regarding:

  • adult couples with differences in parenting styles – this may include parenting children with special needs that impact relationships
  • separated couples who may/may not reside together, experiencing conflict with parenting issues
  • families engaged with the Family Law system
  • children/youth who may be at risk due to family relationship difficulties impacting their health and wellbeing.

Our aim is to assist adults, children and young people to achieve and maintain valued family relationships through:

  • increased awareness of, and capacity to access community resources, support groups and networks
  • improved understanding of self, in the context of relationships
  • enhancement of relationship skills
  • enhanced capacity to apply new learning and skills to current and future relationships.


This is a free service available to people who are navigating different relationships in their life – including couples, parents, children, young people, and extended family members.

We are located at Gateway Health in Wodonga – Phone 02 6022 8888 or email for any questions and intake.

Respectful Relationships

Last Update: August 2nd, 2023

en English