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Children’s Psychological Therapy Services

This service provides counselling for children up to 13 years of age who are experiencing emotional or behavioural challenges, who have or are at risk of a diagnosed mental health issue.

Family Violence Recovery Counselling

Gateway Health provides recovery counselling for women who have experienced family violence, to support their long-term therapeutic journey and help them form healthy relationships.

Family and Relationships Counselling

Family and Relationships Counselling aims to support people as they reflect on what is important to them and work towards healthy and positive relationships in their life.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists can help make daily tasks easier by providing useful equipment, suggesting home modifications, finding ways to prevent falls, and supporting pressure care management.

Children’s Counselling

Children's Counselling is based on a developmental framework, acknowledging the specific needs and abilities of children at different stages of primary school age.

General Counselling

General counselling is a short to medium-term service for people aged 22 and over.


Gateway Health is your local, trusted, registered NDIS provider - supporting eligible people with a disability.