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Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters LogoHIPPY provides parents, carers and children with a structured, education-focused program that lays the foundations for success at school.

The HIPPY approach is based on evidence that children’s earliest and most powerful learning comes from their families. This evidence shows that encouraging literacy and numeracy in the home and community during early childhood sets children up for success in learning throughout their lives.

Families start HIPPY when their child is 3 years old, or turning 3 years old throughout the year. Families then continue into the second year of HIPPY when their child is 4 years old (and in preschool).

A tutor visits you in your home or in the community and shows you the HIPPY activities and storybooks that you can do with your children.

You will receive free fortnightly packs full of activities and resources that aim to build the foundation for a love of learning.

For more information about HIPPY visit the HIPPY Australia website.

Watch these videos to hear about the experiences of children and parents who have participated in HIPPY:


The HIPPY program is a free program available to families with a 3-year-old preschooler in the Albury Wodonga area.

The priority for spaces in one of the HIPPY programs is for:

  • Families caring for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child
  • Families caring for a child from a refugee background
  • Single-parent families
  • Children living in out-of-home care
  • Families with English as a second language
  • Holders of a healthcare card
  • Families that receive no income or where government payments are the main source of income

If you have any questions or would like to express interest in the HIPPY program contact us on 02 6022 8888 (Freecall 1800 657 573) or email

Frequently asked questions

What is HIPPY? Our Five Essential Features

Last Update: March 28th, 2023