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Alcohol and Drug Counselling

We offer a safe, non-judgemental counselling service to reduce harm to individuals, families and communities, and to help people achieve meaningful goals.

Family Drug Support

This service supports people affected by family members who are struggling with alcohol and other drug issues.

Healthy Mothers – Healthy Babies

The Healthy Mothers - Healthy Babies program provides outreach support to pregnant women who have complex health, welfare, and social needs.

Parent and Relationship Education

This program provides both individual parenting support and group-based parent education programs and information sessions to parents and carers of children aged from 0 to 18 years.

Connecting Young Parents

This program provides parents (or soon-to-be parents) 25 years of age or under an opportunity to meet and connect with other parents in a friendly, supportive and casual environment.

School Focused Youth Service

The School Focused Youth Service works with schools to support students from years 5 to 12 who may be vulnerable, are showing signs of disengaging, or not actively participating.

WayOut Wodonga

WayOut Wodonga is a dynamic, place-based community development initiative dedicated to empowering LGBTQIA+ young people.

Children’s Counselling

Children's Counselling is based on a developmental framework, acknowledging the specific needs and abilities of children at different stages of primary school age.

Make a donation

Gateway Health is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation that receives government funding to support the critical work we do for individuals and communities. But there is always a need for more resources and there are ways you can help!