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We are not a crisis service – If you need urgent help call 000.

We support LGBTIQA+ young people, their families and carers with information, resources and connections to services.

As part of this service we:

  • run the Alphabet Crew social group for LGBTIQA+ people and friends aged 12 to 18 years
  • engage LGBTIQA+ people aged 14 to 25 years in leadership roles and positive action through the North East Pride Collective (the crew behind the annual Rainbow Ball event)
  • assist schools, services, and community organisations with information, secondary consultations, and training
  • advocate for systems change to make services inclusive and accessible to LGBTIQA+ people.

We also work closely with Gateway Health’s Gender Service and headspace to provide holistic support for trans, gender diverse and non-binary children and young people.


We are a free service for anyone wanting LGBTIQA+ youth advice, information or action.

We are located at 155 High Street, Wodonga.

You do not need a referral to access this service.

Contact the WayOut Wodonga project worker:

Frequently asked questions

Helpful resources

Last Update: July 10th, 2023