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Recovery and Support Program (RASP)

RASP is a post-withdrawal, non-residential, harm reduction group program. It is an evidence-based intervention, primarily focusing on changing addictive behaviours.

Gambler’s Help

Gateway Health Gambler’s Help offers free, confidential, and professional support for individuals and families affected by gambling. Reaching out is a sign of courage and strength and you are not alone - more than half a million Victorians face gambling-related harm each year.

Care and Recovery Coordination

Care and Recovery Coordination provides support for people with drug and alcohol dependence, and other issues they are experiencing which are impacting their life.

Non-Residential Drug Withdrawal Program

The drug withdrawal program helps people who want to cut back or stop their alcohol or drug use, supporting them through recovery and with links to other services.

Youth Alcohol and Other Drug Outreach

Gateway Health's youth alcohol and other drug outreach workers provide young people aged 12 to 25 a free and confidential treatment service that is tailored to meet their needs.

Needle and Syringe Program

The Needle and Syringe Program is a legal, evidence-based, confidential service that provides sterile injecting equipment, including needles, syringes, and disposal containers.

Alcohol and Drug Counselling

We offer a safe, non-judgemental counselling service to reduce harm to individuals, families and communities, and to help people achieve meaningful goals.

Family Drug Support

This service supports people affected by family members who are struggling with alcohol and other drug issues.