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Positive Parenting offers a practical approach to raising children that focuses on building strong family relationships, encouraging good behaviour, and learning new skills. It also involves helping children learn to be aware of the needs of others and to develop responsibility and self-control.

Positive Parenting shows you how to:

  • build positive relationships with your children
  • encourage behaviours you want to see from your children
  • teach your children new skills
  • set rules and give instructions that your children will follow
  • respond to misbehaviour immediately, consistently and decisively
  • use behaviour strategies that work
  • develop realistic expectations of yourself and your children.

Positive Parenting will help show your children how to:

  • ask for help when they need it
  • control their tempers and think before they act
  • keep busy without constant adult attention
  • cooperate with other children and adults
  • solve problems for themselves.

Supported by 30-minute weekly phone consultations over a 10-week period, parents play an active role in this structured parenting skills program by completing a series of practical and written tasks based on readings from a workbook or via online modules.


This is a free program available to parents, grandparents and carers living in the Ovens and Murray region who are caring for children aged 2 to 12 years.

Enrolments are taken all year round – Day and evening appointments are available.

If you have any questions please contact the Gateway Health Parenting Team on 0457 279 796 or email

How the Positive Parenting Telephone Service can help you...

Last Update: August 7th, 2023