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Term 4, 2024 programs

Bookings now open.

Connecting with your Kids – emotion coaching

For parents and carers of children aged between two and 10 years, this two-hour session aims to help parents and carers understand their children’s experience, connect with
and support their children.

Monday, October 14
7pm to 9pm | Online

Book here

Tuning in to Kids (online)

For parents and carers of children aged between two and 10 years, this two-hour session aims to help parents and carers understand their children’s experience, connect with
and support their children.

Fridays from October 25  to November 22
10am to 12pm |

Book here

Tuning in to Kids (Rutherglen)

For parents and carers of children aged between two and 10 years, this two-hour session aims to help parents and carers understand their children’s experience, connect with
and support their children.

Wednesdays from October 16 to November 13
6pm to 8pm |
Rutherglen MCH Centre, 153 High St

Book here

Parenting Adolescents

For parents and carers of children aged between 10 and 16 years, this two-hour session looks at adolescent development and its impacts, understanding emotions and challenges, communications, problem-solving and building resilience.

Monday, November 18
7pm to 9pm | Online

Book here

The Power of Positive Parenting

For parents and carers of children aged between two and 12 years, this two hour session covers building  relationships, enhancing communication, teaching skills, creating routines and safe environments, and balancing family life.

Monday, November 28
7pm – 9pm | Online

Book here

Triple P Parenting Program (Benalla)

For parents and carers of children aged between two and 12 years, get behavioural support to fix issues before them become real problems and positive influence  your child’s skills and development.

Mondays from October 28 to November 25
5.30pm to 7.30pm | Tomorrow Today, 61 Nunn St

Book here

Mother Goose – Lavington

The Parent-Child Mother Goose program provides a group experience for parents and  young children under the age of two years, promoting connection and development through  song, story and rhyme. Book for one or multiple sessions.

Mondays from October 14 to December 16
10.30am to 11.30am
Orana Community Centre, 40 Cardo Drive,
Springdale Heights

Book here

Mother Goose – Wodonga

The Parent-Child Mother Goose program provides a group experience for parents and  young children under the age of two years, promoting connection and development through  song, story and rhyme. Book for one or multiple sessions.

Wednesdays from October 16 to December 18
10.30am to 11.30am
Gateway Health, 155 High St,

Book here

Last Update: October 9th, 2024