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The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights allows clients, consumers, families, carers and service providers to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving healthcare.

This shared understanding helps everyone work together towards a safe and high-quality healthcare system in which rights and responsibilities are understood and accepted.

Listen to your rights and responsibilities in Nepali


You can also download our Rights & Responsibilities Brochure in Nepali.

Listen to your rights and responsibilities in Swahili


You can also download our Rights & Responsibilities Brochure in Swahili.

Listen to your rights and responsibilities in Italian


You can also download our Rights & Responsibilities Brochure in Italian.

Listen to your rights and responsibilities in English


You can also download our Rights & Responsibilities Brochure in English.

Your rights

Our responsibilities

Your responsibilities

Access to quality services Give you choice and access to services that meet your needs where possible. Tell us if your needs change.

Let us know if you cannot keep an appointment.

Safety and care Provide services in a safe and caring environment. Act in a way that helps you and others to be safe.
Be treated with respect Be polite and respect your views, opinions and personal circumstances such as your culture, family situation, age, gender, disability, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status. Respect our property and other people using our services.
Access to information Provide information that meets your needs in a way that you understand. Give us complete and accurate information.
Decide what happens to you Include you in decisions about services and treatment options and allow you to bring another person to speak on your behalf. This may be a friend, family member, or trained advocacy worker. Consider following the treatment plans that are given to you and make the decisions that are right for you.
Confidentiality and privacy Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons. Value the privacy of others attending programs and services.
Provide feedback Provide options and opportunities for you to give us feedback. Give us honest feedback to help us improve our services or to let us know when we do a good job.

Victims’ Charter of Rights

Listen to the victims' charter of rights in Nepali


Listen to the victims' charter of rights in Swahili


Listen to the victims' charter of rights in Italian


Listen to the victims' charter of rights in English


You can also download our Victims’ Charter of Rights in English.

Last Update: July 29th, 2024

en English