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We believe in the power of people. And our people are the most important part of our long-term success, so you can be assured that we put a lot of time and effort into supporting you.

Meaningful work

We believe in what we do. Gateway Health is more than just a workplace, it’s a collection of like-minded people who believe in creating better health outcomes for our communities.

We value diversity

We believe in diversity, inclusion and equality, and are committed to providing a work environment where individuals feel safe, accepted, affirmed and celebrated.

We encourage people from all backgrounds, abilities and identities to apply to our vacancies including people with lived experience of disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, those from linguistically diverse backgrounds, people experiencing health inequalities and LGBTIQA+ people.

Benefits of working at Gateway Health

Gateway Health is always looking for people who share our values and want to help deliver better health outcomes in the Ovens and Murray region.

Here are a few more reasons why you should consider a career with us.

Workplace standards

Gateway Health’s entire workforce is compliant with the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Mandatory Vaccination Directions.

Gateway Health is a Child Safe organisation and complies with the Child Safe Standards – Our Commitment to the Safety of Children.

Gateway Health has implemented the Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program and has now achieved all of the health areas included in this:

  • Physical activity
  • Healthy eating
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Alcohol and other drug use
  • Smoking

This means our organisation has been recognised by the government for making improvements to our working environments to support staff health.

Find out more in our Healthy Communities section.

Workplace Gender Equity

The Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Act 2023 requires the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to publish private sector employer gender pay gaps from early 2024, and Commonwealth public sector gender pay gaps from late 2024/early 2025.

International experience has shown that increasing the visibility of employer gender pay gaps is an effective catalyst for change on workplace gender equality. This includes progress on narrowing the gender pay gap and its drivers.

The gender pay gap is a universally recognised metric of workplace gender equality. However, it is a broad and highly contextual measure, and is one of several that can be drawn on to signal an employer’s commitment to achieving gender equality in the workplace.

Gender Pay Gap reporting legislation requires employers with 100 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees.  Gender pay gap calculations are based on figures drawn from a specific date each year, this is called the ‘snapshot date’. This report draws on pay data as at the snapshot date of 30th March 2023.

For this reason, Gateway Health has analysed and composed an Employer Statement to  share with the details and context of our gender pay gap, including the actions we are undertaking to address them.

Click here to view Gateway Health’s Gender Pay Statement 2022

Last Update: February 28th, 2025