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The Qrew (formerly the Alphabet Crew)

The Qrew is a social group for queer young people aged 12–18 in Albury/Wodonga. It’s a safe, relaxed, and informal space to hang out and connect with other LGBTQIA+ young people in the community.


headspace is a one-stop shop for young people who want help with mental health; alcohol and other drugs; work, school and study; and physical and sexual health.

School Focused Youth Service

The School Focused Youth Service works with schools to support students from years 5 to 12 who may be vulnerable, are showing signs of disengaging, or not actively participating.

WayOut Wodonga

WayOut Wodonga is a dynamic, place-based community development initiative dedicated to empowering LGBTQIA+ young people.

General Counselling

General counselling is a short to medium-term service for people aged 22 and over.