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Tuning in to Kids

This program aims to help parents and carers understand their child's experience and connect with and support their child.

Children’s Psychological Therapy Services

This service provides counselling for children up to 13 years of age who are experiencing emotional or behavioural challenges, who have or are at risk of a diagnosed mental health issue.

Healthy Mothers – Healthy Babies

The Healthy Mothers - Healthy Babies program provides outreach support to pregnant women who have complex health, welfare, and social needs.

Parent and Relationship Education

This program provides both individual parenting support and group-based parent education programs and information sessions to parents and carers of children aged from 0 to 18 years.

Connecting Young Parents

This program provides parents (or soon-to-be parents) 25 years of age or under an opportunity to meet and connect with other parents in a friendly, supportive and casual environment.