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Active living

Gateway Health is working collaboratively to address barriers to active living in the Wangaratta and Alpine Local Government Areas.

Alpine Active Living – Mapping Project Findings Summary (2018)

This is a summary of the findings of the Alpine Active Living Project which gathered data through stakeholder engagement, a community survey and mapping analysis in order to determine opportunities and barriers that exist, and in turn, influence rates of physical activity in the shire. Based on this information gathered, this report provides recommendations that aim to benefit the health of communities within the Alpine Shire.

Alpine Active Living – Mapping Project Findings Report (2018)

This project gathered data through stakeholder engagement, a community survey and mapping analysis in order to determine opportunities and barriers that exist, and in turn, influence rates of physical activity in the shire. Based on this information gathered, this report provides recommendations that aim to benefit the health of communities within the Alpine Shire.

Healthy workplaces

Workplace health and wellbeing programs are no longer just a ‘nice thing to do for staff’, it is good business sense for employers to focus on workplace health and wellbeing.

Healthy schools

Working with local early learning services, primary schools and secondary schools to support the health and wellbeing of children, staff and families.

Bladder Health

This program, conducted by health professionals in a relaxed, informal environment, provides general information to help you understand your bladder and bowel health.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists can help make daily tasks easier by providing useful equipment, suggesting home modifications, finding ways to prevent falls, and supporting pressure care management.


Physiotherapists help you to be as active, healthy and independent as possible within your home, community and workplace.