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Do you provide unpaid support to a family member, friend, partner or a child with a disability?

Are you looking for support to help you manage your caring role and improve your wellbeing.

The Support for Carers Program Offers Carer Support Groups, activities and events, information and referrals to health, aged, disability and other community services. A friendly person to talk through issues and help you develop strategies to manage your caring role.

We provide tailored supports for Carers who are:

  • LGBTQIA+ Carers
  • Indigenous Carers
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Carers
  • Carers of those with Mental Illness
  • Parents of children with disabilities
  • Young Carers

We are unable to offer urgent or crisis respite and support. If you need urgent respite or carer support please contact Carer Gateway on 1800 422737 or


The person receiving care must reside in the rural cities of Wodonga, Wangaratta, or Benalla or the local government areas of Alpine, Indigo, Towong and Mansfield.

The carer does not have to reside with the person they are caring for and may live outside of the service area.

Individuals do not need to be registered with My Aged Care to receive assistance through the Support for Carers Program.

Carers of persons with a disability in receipt of an NDIS package are eligible to be considered for support through the Support for Carers Program.

Contact the Support for Carers Program by phoning 1800 657 573 or emailing

Helpful Links:

Last Update: February 3rd, 2025