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Psych Clinic

This innovative approach allows Gateway Health to attract more staff to our region and offer more affordable mental health services to our community.

Service delivery is via face-to-face and telehealth.

We see clients from across all age groups. They can present with a wide range of symptoms and family, social, behavioural, and relationship issues.

The Gateway Health Psychology Clinic is delivered through a partnership between Departments of Rural Health at the University of Melbourne, Monash, La Trobe and Deakin Universities, together with Gateway Health and Budja Budja Aboriginal Cooperative. It is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care’s funding through the Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training program.


For more information, email

Psychology Clinic Placement Information

The Gateway Health Psychology Clinic offers a nurturing and professionally stimulating vocational placement experience for their placement psychologists. Supervisors are an experienced team of psychologists and clinical psychologists. Placement psychologists are an integral part of the Gateway team.

To access all information detailing the psychology placements at the psychology clinic at Gateway Health, please refer to their Psychology Clinic Placement Information Kit which can be downloaded here.

You can apply online at Gateway Health Careers here Student Psychology Clinic.

Last Update: August 25th, 2023