Gateway Health is proud to be supporting the ‘Community Health First’ campaign which is advocating for the elevation of the role of registered independent community health services in the Victorian healthcare system.

What is Community Health First?
Community Health First is a campaign being led by all 24 registered independent community health services in Victoria.

The Community Health First campaign seeks to start a dialogue with Government decision makers to promote the central role of registered independent community health services in the wider Victorian health system, and to increase the capacity of services to alleviate system-wide demand.

As we enter our 50th year of community health services in Victoria in 2023, it is timely for us to reflect on how we can build a strong foundation for another 50 years of keeping Victorians healthy and well-supported in their communities.

As someone who has used and benefitted from our services, we would love you to join our campaign in support.

You can help support this work to put Community Health First by joining our campaign, following us on social media and sharing a story of how community health has touched your life or the life of someone close to you.

To find out more, and to get involved, please visit