Gateway Health has increased its WASP – Weight and Strength Program sessions in Myrtleford to deliver more advanced classes as well as a men’s only group.

The program is delivered in a friendly social atmosphere by trained group leaders with onsite physiotherapy assessment and progression.

The new Men’s Weight and Strength program class runs weekly on a Monday morning and is facilitated by a Physiotherapist and an Allied Health Assistant.

The program also includes three women’s classes on a Wednesday which now includes an advanced women’s class in the afternoon.

Physiotherapist Kerry Benton said the extension of the program was in response to increasing demand.

“The Weight and Strength Program is suitable for a wide range of ability levels which are run by trained professionals and we are finding a growing demand for services that help longevity, your ability to do the things you love like gardening and quality of life,” Kerry said.

“Gateway Health promotes healthy ageing that is not just about living longer but also living better.

“This program helps people to improve, and then maintain, their strength, flexibility, endurance, co-ordination and balance.

“These are all important in reducing the risk of falls, to keep doing all the things we enjoy for as long as possible and improving control of chronic diseases like diabetes and depression.”

The program includes a range of activities, like aerobic and strength exercises and paced ball activities, that target balance, posture, co-ordination and limb function.

The program presently has openings in the men’s program. It is for residents of Alpine Shire and a referral is required.

Phone 1800 657 573 to find out more.