To mark World Hearing Voices Day on September 14, Listening to Voices are launching the debut episode of You CAN ask that! – A Listening to Voices podcast.

Hosted by project manage Kate Fiske, the podcast features Listening to Voices performers Ben, Kelly and Sarah as they explain what hearing voices means for them and the relationship with their voices.

Kate said the podcast was an extension of the Listening to Voices performance.

“The purpose of our work is to educate others, to shift stigma, and to provide a platform where that lived experience voice both finds the need to speak and very often speaks those things that are unspoken,” Kate said.

“When we perform with audiences very often, at the end we have a Q&A and audiences are full of questions for our performers to talk more about their own experiences. And we rarely get time to get through all those questions  so this is our opportunity to respond to our audience.”

World Hearing Voices Day promotes our right to define our experiences in our own way. It’s a time to expand the narrow stereotypes that still exist about voice-hearing – that it should be a source of shame and secrecy.

Gateway Health and Listening to Voices join others around the globe in working to create a world where people can talk about their experiences with those they choose – and expect an empathic response. We want to promote the idea that voice-hearing is a diverse human experience and that we need to leave judgements and assumptions at the door.

Take a step to understanding more about hearing voices by listening to the podcast, book a Listening to Voices performance and find out more at
