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Who: This group is open to people under and over 65 years.
Please note that there are eligibility checks required to join this group.
When: Thursdays at 11am
Where: Gateway Health - Wangaratta
Cost: The cost of the program is $7.50

On a physical level, Tai Chi improves strength, flexibility, aerobic conditioning and balance.

It’s been proven to:

  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • lower blood pressure
  • prevent falls
  • help people who have arthritis.

There are also immense emotional and mental benefits. The deliberate movements help people to feel more relaxed, grounded and present in their bodies. This lowers anxiety, stress and depression while improving memory, focus and sleep.


If you are interested in joining the group please contact us on 03 5723 2097 or email

Last Update: August 16th, 2023