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The Health Promotion team is currently working with early learning services and primary schools in the Wangaratta and Wodonga Local Government Areas to:

  • improve student wellbeing and engagement outcomes
  • create a positive learning and working environment
  • integrate health and wellbeing strategies in your strategic, annual and quality improvement plans.

Schools located outside of Wodonga or Wangaratta can connect with health promotion services in the shires of Indigo, Towong, Alpine, Benalla and Mansfield.

Some examples of the work we do include:

  • Working with schools to implement healthier options at canteens
  • Coordinating ‘It’s Time We Talked’ initiative in partnership with local schools, supporting schools and parents to proactively tackle the increase in consumption of porn by young people
  • Working with schools to establish food growing/kitchen garden programs
  • Supporting partnerships between schools and emergency food relief programs

For more information or to contact the Health Promotion team at Gateway Health email

How we work with schools

Gateway Health uses a health-promoting school approach, (as per the World Health Organisation’s model) of the Achievement Program Framework to enable a coordinated systems approach. This is evidence-based and achieves better health outcomes for the students, their families and teachers.

Registering for the Achievement Program will give you access to all the support and resources you need via an online portal. This allows you to work at your own pace and track your progress using:

  • Networking and professional development opportunities
  • Ongoing support from a Gateway Health team member
  • Links to local health professionals, organisations, programs and funding opportunities
  • Evidence-based guidance and tools
  • Advice with selecting health priorities that suit your service/school and build on existing health and wellbeing initiatives

Even if your school isn’t ready to register for the Achievement Program, we are still able to use this framework to support big or small changes and create supportive environments for healthy choices.

The Achievement Program

The Achievement Program is a free, state-wide health and wellbeing framework available for all early childhood services, schools and workplaces in Victoria. It was jointly developed by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education and Training.

Registered services and schools are provided with a step-by-step guide and resources to create healthy environments and promote children’s health and wellbeing.

Achievement Program - Primary School

Last Update: July 9th, 2024