Given the negative health and economic consequences of lack of exercise, it is vital to understand the barriers and enablers for physical activity. It is also important to assess the way in which the built environment and infrastructure can encourage physical activity.
We have been conducting Active Living Mapping Projects over the past few years to look at these barriers and how to minimise these.
Gateway Health is working within the Wangaratta and Alpine local government areas to improve how people can be more active from the recommendations of both the Active Living Mapping Projects.
Alpine Active Living – Mapping Project Findings Summary (2018) – A summary of the findings of the Alpine Active Living Project which gathered data through stakeholder engagement, a community survey and mapping analysis in order to determine opportunities and barriers that exist, and in turn, influence rates of physical activity in the shire. Based on this information gathered, this report provides recommendations that aim to benefit the health of communities within the Alpine Shire.
Alpine Active Living – Mapping Project Findings Report (2018) – This project gathered data through stakeholder engagement, a community survey and mapping analysis in order to determine opportunities and barriers that exist, and in turn, influence rates of physical activity in the shire. Based on this information gathered, this report provides recommendations that aim to benefit the health of communities within the Alpine Shire.
Wangaratta and Surrounds – Active Living Mapping Project Findings Report (2019-2020) – This report provides a detailed appraisal of the 2019-2020 Active Living Mapping Project for Wangaratta and Surrounds. The purpose of the project was to investigate physical activity within the Rural City of Wangaratta Local Government Area and examine strategies and resources. which support increased levels of physical activity.
Active living is one of the key actions to increase overall wellbeing and prevent chronic disease in the Alpine Shire.
Our work involves creating supportive environments in the community which make being physically active an easier choice.
The Active Alpine Group has representation from Alpine Health, Gateway Health, Alpine Shire Council and Sport North East and aims to increase and promote opportunities to be active in the Alpine Shire and in turn promote health and wellbeing, social connection and a healthy, thriving community.
The recommendations of the 2020-2021 Active Living Mapping Project for Wangaratta and its surrounds were incorporated into the Wangaratta Council Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. Additionally, the project report may be used to provide background for planning, as well as local information to support funding applications by local organisations and community groups.
The Tai Chi for Health Group Wodonga runs 5 Tai Chi sessions per week from the Wodonga Senior Citizens Centre.
Sessions are held on:
Tuesdays 8am-9am and 3.30pm-4.30pm; and,
Thursdays 8am-9am and 9.30am -10.30am; and 11am-1pm (chair-based exercise).
Each Tai Chi session costs $4.
The Tai Chi sessions help to improve balance and prevent the risk of falls. The sessions also improve posture, muscle strength, relaxation, fitness, and health. Based on Sun and Yang styles of tai chi, Tai Chi for Osteoporosis is easy to learn, effective, and safe.
A literature review was conducted to identify the barriers and opportunities to physical activity regionally and to help inform the future public health and wellbeing plans.
Your can read a case study from Gateway Health’s Health Promotion Team here detailing a collaborative partnership between Gateway Health and Alpine Health as part of the Active Alpine Group to promote healthy living.